Rights acquired by third parties before the date of the first application that serves as the basis for the right of priority are reserved in accordance with the domestic legislation of each country of the union. 第三人在作为优先权根据的第一次申请的日期以前所取得的权利,依照本联盟每一国家的国内法予以保留。
The divisional applications shall preserve the filing date of the initial application and the benefit of the right of priority, if any. 分申请应保留原申请的申请日期并享有优先权(如有)。
Two is to broaden the party enjoy a right of priority restrictions. 二是放宽了当事人享有优先权的限制。
Where creditors with right of priority give up the right of being liquidated in prior, they shall exercise the right according to the procedure for bankruptcy liquidation. 有别除权的债权人放弃优先受偿权利的,依破产清算程序行使其权利。
Each country of the Union shall determine the consequences of failure to comply with the formalities prescribed by this Article, but such consequences shall in no case go beyond the loss of the right of priority. 本联盟每一国家应确定不遵守本条规定的手续的后果,但这种后果决不能超过优先权的丧失。
Patents, Utility Models, Industrial Designs, Marks, Inventors 'Certificates: Right of Priority. Moreover we have our own intellectual property rights. 专利、实用新型、外观设计、商标、发明人证书:优先权。
The previous application may not thereafter serve as a basis for claiming a right of priority. 在这以后,前一申请不得作为要求优先权的根据。
Furthermore, it is permissible to file a utility model in a country by virtue of a right of priority based on the filing of a patent application, and vice versa. 此外,还准许在一国中根据专利申请的优先权提出实用新型的申请,反之亦然。
If, later, the right of priority is invoked, the authorities of any country may provide that the period shall start from the date of introduction of the goods into the exhibition. 如以后要求优先权,任何国家的主管机关可以规定其期间应自该商品在展览会展出之日开始。
If the applicant fails to make the written declaration or to meet the time limit for submitting the patent application document, the claim to the right of priority shall be deemed not to have been made. 未提出书面声明或者逾期未提交专利申请文件副本的,视为未要求优先权。
"Any applicant who claims the right of priority shall make a written declaration when the application is filed, and submit, within three months, a copy of the patent application document which was first filed" 申请人要求优先权的,应当在申请的时候提出书面声明,并且在三个月内提交第一次提出的专利申请文件的副本
Where an applicant claims the right of domestic priority, if the earlier application is one for a patent for invention, he or it may file an application for a patent for invention or utility model for the same subject matter; 申请人要求本国优先权,在先申请是发明专利申请的,可以就相同主题提出发明或者实用新型专利申请;
If you research on the tax law relations from the credit relations 'perspective, you would find that it is very hard to conclude that tax right is of priority over the general right of credit, whether based on theory, law, or practical operation. 然而,如果将税收法律关系置于债的关系中去研究就会发现,无论从理论基础、法律依据还是实际操作等方面,都很难得出税收应当优先于一般债权的结论。
Therefore, legislators pay much attention to the nature or the causation of credits when considering which credits need to be given the right of priority. 因而,立法者在考虑赋予哪些债权以优先权保障时,非常重视债权本身的性质或发生原因。
Study on the tax-levying right of priority 关于税收优先权问题的探讨
How to Apply and Limit the Right of Priority in Transferring Stock Ownership 股权转让优先权的适用及其限制
On the Right of Priority Renounce of brand is a kind of brand strategy; 放弃品牌本身就是一种品牌策略;
On Right of Priority in Patent Institution and Coordination of Relevant Issues at Mainland and Hongkong 专利制度中的优先权及内地与香港相关问题的协调研究
Understanding Right of Priority in Construction Projects 解读建设工程款的优先权
Law System of the Right of Priority of Safeguarding Overdue Saleries 论我国欠薪保障优先权法律制度
Such right of priority possesses the nature of the real right for security, whose characteristics of attachment, retroactivity, subrogation and undivision become the theoretical basis of solving problems in adjudication. 该项优先权具有担保物权的性质,其附从性、追及性、物上代位性及不可分性的特点,成为解决审判实践中所遭遇问题的理论基础。
On the Nature of Right of Priority for One's Labor Reward 论劳动报酬权的优先权属性
The Priority of Mortgagee On the Right of Priority PROJECT 论抵押权的优先权
Analyzes the nature of real right for security of priority from the two aspects of real rights and security; 从物权性与担保性两方面分析了优先权的担保物权性质;
The right of priority in stock ownership exists in rules of the company, the principle of honesty and credibility and the idea of making private laws public. 股权优先权依托公司章程、诚实信用原则、私法公法化等制度和理念而存在。
The priority-selecting condition of cangzhou's Zizyphus jujube introduced on the right of priority 优先权制度研究沧州小枣引种的优先选择
Confidence and Logic Framework& Legislative Suggestion on the Right of Priority in Future Property Law of China 信心与思路:我国设立优先权制度的立法建议
The right of priority originates from the right of legal mortgage in Rome law. 优先权源于罗马法中的法定抵押权。
The article discusses rescinding contract by agreement stipulated in the Contract Law of PRC, puts forward three views on the cancellation of contract: right of priority, purpose of priority, and balancing of interests, and analyzes their theoretical basis. 文章就《合同法》中的约定解除展开讨论,提出了对合同约定解除的权利优先说、目的优先说、平衡利益优先说三种观点,并分析了这些观点的理论依据。
Comparing the priority of a right to exist, practice, often occur right of priority with other creditors in conflict situations. 优先权是一个相比较而存在的权利,实务中,往往会发生优先权与其他债权人的权利相冲突的情形。